Interesting News Story
Ok, so apparently all the talk on the blogs today is about a different Frey (is it just me or is this a totally bizarre coincidence???) and I feel compelled to weigh in on this one. This time, a one Travis Frey from Council Bluffs, IA has made the news in that he allegedly kidnapped and raped his wife for her alleged failure to honor their marital contract. The Contract is detailed at Smoking Gun and is quite interesting. But, being in the law, my mind is trained in a certain way. Often times, we learn more about people from what they DON'T say, rather than from what they do say. IMO, there is an awful lot of this story missing from all the news stories about this incident that are presently circulating. Like, for example, how long have they been married? When did he first present this contract to her? She must have complied for a period of time or he would not have kidnapped her and raped her as punishment for her transgressions, if in fact, that did occur. Again, as with the James Frey story, (see previous post), I think there is something the public is just NOT being told here. I think she actually liked to get her kink on with this guy, as defined in the now infamous Contract, but when he took it a little too far, she cried victim. Now, I could be totally wrong here but this type of stuff just doesn't come out of nowhere. AND, since no one signed it, there really is NO PROOF that he even penned the damn thing himself. They could have had a lovely afternoon of intercourse, she later catches him cheating, or something else enrages her, and she creates this Contract and goes to the police. As his defense lawyer has said, there is simply no proof that The Contract was generated by Frey. And as far as the child pornography charges go, why aren't we being told the specifics of that story either? What if he looked at the picture of what he thought to be a 20 year old girl and turns out, she was 15 and he is now busted for child porn? This stuff happens, folks, so I'm simply leaving open the door to the possibility that this guy is the victim. That's what is so great about our justice system, the man is INNOCENT until proven guilten. Unless of course, you are tuned into all the feminazi's blogs today, in which case he is already guilty and should be hanging in the town square by his balls, according to them. The only thing this guy has against him at this point, IMO, is that there exists a strong correlation between science fiction freaks being pedophiles. Now, I'm not saying ALL science fiction fans are pedophiles, but research indicates that almost all pedophiles are extreme science fiction fans. And he did use a Star Trek font in The Contract so maybe he is, after all, a pedophile and a wife abuser. But I say, let all the facts come in first, folks, and then let's decide. Because, right now, we just have the wife's side of this story and that could very well be her crying foul, for whatever reason. I will be very interested to see how this plays out in days to come. And to all the feminazis out there who are screaming at the top of their lungs that this guy needs to be castrated and then beheaded, a famous quote comes to mind: "Me think thou doth protest too much", meaning, they just WISH their men would show them this same level of interest and attention and because their men can't even compare to this guy's affections and attention toward his wife, they are pissed and want Frey to pay. Men, let's just face it: with all the feminazi propaganda out there, you can't win. Don't even try.
Ok, so apparently all the talk on the blogs today is about a different Frey (is it just me or is this a totally bizarre coincidence???) and I feel compelled to weigh in on this one. This time, a one Travis Frey from Council Bluffs, IA has made the news in that he allegedly kidnapped and raped his wife for her alleged failure to honor their marital contract. The Contract is detailed at Smoking Gun and is quite interesting. But, being in the law, my mind is trained in a certain way. Often times, we learn more about people from what they DON'T say, rather than from what they do say. IMO, there is an awful lot of this story missing from all the news stories about this incident that are presently circulating. Like, for example, how long have they been married? When did he first present this contract to her? She must have complied for a period of time or he would not have kidnapped her and raped her as punishment for her transgressions, if in fact, that did occur. Again, as with the James Frey story, (see previous post), I think there is something the public is just NOT being told here. I think she actually liked to get her kink on with this guy, as defined in the now infamous Contract, but when he took it a little too far, she cried victim. Now, I could be totally wrong here but this type of stuff just doesn't come out of nowhere. AND, since no one signed it, there really is NO PROOF that he even penned the damn thing himself. They could have had a lovely afternoon of intercourse, she later catches him cheating, or something else enrages her, and she creates this Contract and goes to the police. As his defense lawyer has said, there is simply no proof that The Contract was generated by Frey. And as far as the child pornography charges go, why aren't we being told the specifics of that story either? What if he looked at the picture of what he thought to be a 20 year old girl and turns out, she was 15 and he is now busted for child porn? This stuff happens, folks, so I'm simply leaving open the door to the possibility that this guy is the victim. That's what is so great about our justice system, the man is INNOCENT until proven guilten. Unless of course, you are tuned into all the feminazi's blogs today, in which case he is already guilty and should be hanging in the town square by his balls, according to them. The only thing this guy has against him at this point, IMO, is that there exists a strong correlation between science fiction freaks being pedophiles. Now, I'm not saying ALL science fiction fans are pedophiles, but research indicates that almost all pedophiles are extreme science fiction fans. And he did use a Star Trek font in The Contract so maybe he is, after all, a pedophile and a wife abuser. But I say, let all the facts come in first, folks, and then let's decide. Because, right now, we just have the wife's side of this story and that could very well be her crying foul, for whatever reason. I will be very interested to see how this plays out in days to come. And to all the feminazis out there who are screaming at the top of their lungs that this guy needs to be castrated and then beheaded, a famous quote comes to mind: "Me think thou doth protest too much", meaning, they just WISH their men would show them this same level of interest and attention and because their men can't even compare to this guy's affections and attention toward his wife, they are pissed and want Frey to pay. Men, let's just face it: with all the feminazi propaganda out there, you can't win. Don't even try.
At 1:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Could you post a link to this story? I haven't heard of this, so it's kind of hard to follow.
At 2:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Um, sorry, Matts, but I'm totally unsophisticated in this blog stuff. I really don't know HOW to put a link in the text of my blog posts. Now how sad is that? But I will put it here now for you to read verbatim:
Bluffs Man Accused Of Creating Marriage Contract
Frey Charged With Downloading Porn, Kidnapping
COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa -- A Council Bluffs man is accused of kidnapping his own wife, and prosecutors allege he devised a marriage contract to establish what his wife was to do, and when she was to do it.
Travis Frey, 33, is accused, among other things, of giving his wife chances to win "good behavior days."
Frey was in court Friday after he turned himself in to Pottawattamie County authorities on separate charges of downloading child pornography onto his home computer. A judge told Frey the charges stem from March 2005.
Frey's attorney, Bill McGinn, said the Pottawattamie County Attorney's Office must prove their case.
"They have to show, first of all, what the images are. Second, they have to show he was the one that actually did the downloading," McGinn said.
Frey is already charged with first-degree kidnapping, which is a crime punishable by life in prison without parole. Frey also faces a charge of domestic assault causing bodily injury on his wife.
"The allegations are that he confined and subjected his wife to sexual abuse," said Pottawattamie County Attorney Matt Wilber.
According to court records, Frey's wife told police her husband tied her to their bed with a rope and sexually assaulted her at least three times. Frey's wife also provided police with an alleged "marriage contract," which was entitled "Contract of Wifely Expectations." In it, Frey allegedly gave his wife chances to earn "good behavior days" -- or GBDs -- by complying with certain demands, such as hygiene and self-care. "You will shave every third day," the contract states ... You will be naked within 20 minutes of the kids being in bed."
The document spells out how many points can be earned by performing certain sex acts.
Frey's wife said she never signed the contract.
"I don't know how they can tie this to my client making any demands on his wife. I mean, I could have put these together. I mean, there's no names. There's names on them and everything, but anyone could have put these documents together," McGinn said.
Frey's attorney said he intends to plead not guilty on all counts, and is expected to bond out of jail this week.
Matts: If you then do a search on his name at Smoking Gun you can read the actual Contract. It's very sexual and interesting and like Laurie said, the whole thing just smacks of a sex game gone awry between the two of them.
At 8:10 AM,
KC said…
I thought it was a sham as soon as I read about it the other day. He might be a son-of-a-bitch and a terrible husband, but this contract things sounds fake.
At 6:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for posting the article. Took me a while to read it (you know, holes in my mouth).
I had many of the same questions as you, and would be curious to know if there has been any physical abuse at all over the years.
I can see where you're coming from with this, Greyson, but because this contract was supposedly an everyday thing, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around it being some sort of glorified sex-game. There are definitely parts in there that sound like it, but not the whole thing (and not the alleged aftermath).
But I guess I have too much of a 'virgin mind' to really accept that this guy wasn't anything more than an animal - child porn aside (because you're exactly right about that). It sounds much more like she was enslaved and feared for her life, so she complied.
But more info is needed to really get to the bottom of it. I wonder if it'll be on Court TV?
(hope this makes sense... just took my meds...)
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